Aeneas Tacticus:
War, Politics and Literature in Classical Greece


- find out more about the speakers

Thursday 2nd September 2010

2.00 pm onwards: Registration

3.30 - 4.15 pm: TEA

4.15-4.25 pm: Maria Pretzler (Swansea)

4:30-5:15 pm: David Whitehead (Belfast)
Keynote address: ‘The Other Aeneas’

5:15-6:00 pm: Nicholas Sekunda (Gdansk)
‘The Aristotelian Economics 2.2. A précis of the Poristike Biblos of Aeneas Tacticus?’

6:00-6:45pm: Philip Rance (Munich)
Aeneas Tacticus in Byzantine Military Literature

7.00 pm: DINNER

Friday 3rd September 2010

8.00 am - 9.00 am: BREAKFAST

9.00-9.45 am: Maria Pretzler (Swansea)
Aeneas the Historian

9:45-10.30 am: Jose Vela Tejada (Zaragoza)
‘Creating Koiné: Aeneas Tacticus in the History of the Greek Language’.

10.30-11.00 am: COFFEE

11:00-11:45 am: Peter Liddel (Manchester)
‘Inscriptions in Aeneas Tacticus’.

11:45 am-12:30 pm:
‘Greek Poleis and Warfare in the IVth Century BC: Aeneas’ Poliorketika ’.
by Marco Betalli (Siena) (paper will be read out on his behalf)

Comments on Graham Shipley, 'Aineias Tacticus and Thucydides' (tabled)

1.00 pm- 2.00 pm: LUNCH

2.00-2.45 pm: Ben Gourley (York)
' "News from home": Aeneas Tacticus and 4thC defense in practice at ancient Stymphalos'

2:45-3.30 pm: Tracey Rihll (Swansea)
‘Technology in Aeneas Tacticus: Glimpses of Military and Civilian Techne’.

3.30-4:00 pm: COFFEE

4:00-4:45 pm: Nick Barley (Swansea)
‘Light Armed Troops and Leadership in Aeneas’.

4:45-5:30 pm: Bogdan Burliga (Gdansk)
'Hoplites in Aeneas' Polis'

7.00 pm: DINNER

Saturday 4th September 2010

8.00 am - 9.00 am: BREAKFAST

9.00-9.45 am: Jim Roy (Nottingham)
‘Mercenaries in Aeneas Tacticus’.

9:45-10.30 am: Philip de Souza (Dublin)
‘Raiders from the sea: the maritime context of the Poliorcetica’.

10.30-11.00 am: COFFEE

11:00-11:45 am: Robin Lane Fox (New College, Oxford)
‘Aeneas – Who, Where and When?’

11:45 am-12:30 pm:
Closing remarks, general discussion

12.30 pm- 1.30 pm: LUNCH



created 09/02/2010 - updated 01/09/2010