Aeneas Tacticus: Bibliography
Based on Année Philologique 1 (1924)-78 (2007), with some additions.
The most recent translation into English, which also contains a comprehensive introduction and a historical commentary is this:
Whitehead, D. (1990), Aineias the Tactician. How to Survive Under Siege, Oxford: Clarendon Press. Second Edition: 2002: London: Bristol Classical Press.
Editions, Translations and Commentaries
(in chronological order)
Casaubon, I. (1609),
- Aeneae, vetustissimi Tactici, Commentarius de toleranda obsidione (appended to Casaubon’s edition of Polybius), Frankfurt.
Editio princeps; Greek text, Latin translation.
Orellius, J.C. (1818),
- Aeneae Tactici Commentarius de toleranda Obsidione, Leipzig.
Greek text, Latin translation, notes.
Köchly, H, Rüstow, W. (1853),
- Griechische Kriegsschriftsteller, Leipzig, vol. 1 1-183, vol. 2, 336-51.
Greek text, German translation, introduction, notes.
Hercher, R. (1870),
- Aeneae Commentarius poliorceticus, Berlin (with a second, corrected edition, also Berlin 1870).
Greek text.
Hug, A. (1874),
- Aeneae Commentarius poliorceticus, Leipzig.
Greek text and critical notes.
Schoene, R. (1911),
- Aeneae Tactici de obsidione toleranda commentarius, Leipzig.
Greek text (completely new edition; basis for the Loeb edition).
Oldfather, W.A. (1923),
- Aeneas Tacticus, Asclepiodotus, Onasander. With an English translation of the Illinois Classics Club, London: Heinemann.
Loeb Classical Library: Greek text, English translation, introduction.
Hunter, L.W., Handford, S.A. (1927),
- Aineiou Poliorketika. Aeneas on Siegecraft, Oxford:Clarendon Press.
Greek text, English translation, introduction, commentary.
Belyaev, V.F. (1965),
- ‘Aeneas Tacticus: De obsidione toleranda’, Vestnik drevnej istorii 91, 239-268 and 92, 219-43.
Russian translation, introduction.
Dain, A., Bon, A.M (1967),
- Énée le Tacticien. Poliorcétique
Budé edition; Greek text, French translation, introduction, commentary
Marek, P.V. (1977),
- ‘Aieneias Taktikos. O obrane mest’, in: P.M. Marek, J. Kalivoda (eds.), Antické válecné umení, Prague: Svoboda.
Czech translation, introduction, commentary.
Whitehead, D. (1990a),
- Aineias the Tactician. How to Survive Under Siege, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Second Edition 2002: London: Bristol Classical Press.
English translation, introduction, historical commentary.
Bettalli, M. (1990),
- Enea Tattico. La difesa di una città assediata (Poliorketika), Pisa: ETS
Greek Text, Italian translation, introduction, commentary.
Vela Tejada, J. (1991a),
- Eneas el Ta´ctico. Poliorce´tica : la estrategia militar griega en el siglo IV a.C. Madrid: Ministerio de Defesa.
Spanish translation, introduction
Vela Tejada, J., Martín García, F. (1991),
- Eneas el Táctico, Poliorcética. Polieno, Estratagemas, Madrid: Gredos.
Greek text, Spanish translation, introduction, commentary.
Battistini, O., et al. (1994),
- La Guerre : trois tacticiens grecs : Énée, Asclépiodote, Onasandre, Paris: NiL Ed.
French translation, introduction, commentary.
Burliga, B. (2007),
- Eneasz Taktyk. Obrona oblezonego miasta, Warsaw: Proszynski i S-ka.
Polish translation, introduction, notes.
Brodersen, K. (2017),
- Aineias/Aeneas Tacticus. Stadtverteidigung/Poliorketika (Tusculum), Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter.
Greek text, German translation, introduction, notes.
Secondary Literature
Allen, T. W. (1936),
- ‘Adversaria’, RPh 10 202-7.
Allen, T. W. (1937),
- ‘Adversaria : IV : Aeneas Tacticus 22’, RPh 11, 282.
Allen, T. W. (1946),
- ‘Aeneas Tacticus’, RPh 20, 124-7.
Barends, D. (1955),
- Lexico Aeneium. A lexicon and index to Aeneas Tacticus’ military manual, On the defence of fortified positions, Assen : van Gorcum.
Belyaev, V.F. (1966),
- Aeneas Tacticus. His Place in Greek History and Literature and his Role in the Development of Greek Koiné (in Russian), Moscow.
Bengtson, H. (1962),
- ‘Die griechische Polis bei Aeneas Tacticus’, Historia 11, 458-468.
Bettalli, M. (1986),
- ‘Enea Tattico e l’insegnamento dell’arte militare’, AFLS 7, 73-89.
Boëldieu-Trevet, J., Mataranga, K. (2003),
- ‘Étrangers et citoyens : le maintien de l’ordre dans une cité assiégée selon Énée le Tacticien’, in: M. Molin (ed.), Les régulations sociales dans l’Antiquité : actes du colloque d’Angers, 23 et 24 mai 2003, Rennes : Pr. Universitaires de Rennes, 21-41.
Brown, T. S. (1981),
- ‘Aeneas Tacticus, Herodotus and the Ionian revolt’, Historia 30, 385-393.
Burliga, B. (2008),
- ‘Aeneas Tacticus between History and Sophistry: the Emergence of the Military Handbook’, in: J.Pigon (ed.), The Children of Herodotus. Greek and Roman Historiography and Related Genres, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 92-101.
Celato, S. (1967-8a),
- ‘Enea Tattico. Il problema dell’autore e il valore dell’opera dal punto di vista militare’, Mem. Accad. Patavina, Cl. di Sc. mor. Lett. e Arti 80, 53-67.
Celato, S. (1967-8b),
- ‘La Grecia del iv secolo a. C. nell’opera di Enea Tattico’, Mem. Accad. Patavina, Cl. di Sc. mor. Lett. e Arti 80, 215-244.
Charneux, P. (1983),
- ‘Sur quelques inscriptions d’Argos’, BCH 107, 251-267.
Dain, A. (1935),
- ‘Les manuscrits d’Énée le Tacticien’, REG 48, 1-32.
Dain, A. (1941),
- ‘Le Parisinus gr. 2522’, RPh 15, 21-28.
David, E.(1986a),
- ‘Aeneas Tacticus, 11.7-10 and the Argive revolution of 370 B.C.’, AJPh 107, 343-349.
David, E. (1986b),
- ‘The oligarchic revolution in Argos, 417 B.C.’, AC 55, 113-124.
Debidour, Michel (2005),
- ‘Le secret et les messages secrets dans la Poliorcétique d’Énée le Tacticien’, in: H. Olivier et al. (eds), Ruses, secrets et mensonges chez les historiens grecs et latins : actes du colloque tenu les 18-19 septembre 2003, Lyon : Centre d’études romaines et gallo-romaines, Université Jean-Moulin, Lyon III 213-245.
Engelmann, H. (1983),
- ‘Inschrift und Literatur’, ZPE 51, 123-130.
Foucault, J. de (1934),
- ‘La télégraphie aérienne dans l’antiquité’, Hum(RES) 16, 111-114.
Groningen, B. A., van (1938a),
- ‘Le vocabulaire d’Enée le Tacticien’, Mnemosyne 6, 329-334.
Groningen, B. A., van (1938b),
- ‘Aen. Tact. 10, 23’, Mnemosyne 6, 334.
Handford, S. A. (1926),
- ‘The evidence of Aeneas Tacticus on the Balanos and Balanagra’, JHS 46, 181-185.
Hudson Williams, T. (1904),
- ‘The Authorship of the Greek Military Manual attributed to Aeneas Tacticus’, AJPh 25, 390-405.
Hug, A. (1877),
- Aeneas von Stymphalos, ein arkadischer Schriftsteler aus classischer Zeit, Zurich.
Hunter, L.W. (1913),
- ‘Aeneas Tacticus and Stichometry’, CQ 7, 256-64.
Korus, K. (1969),
- ‘De Aeneae Tactici Commentario poliorcetico’ Meander 24, 507-520.
Lammert, F. (1940),
- ‘Die älteste erhaltene Schrift über Seetaktik und ihre Beziehung zum Anonymus Byzantinus des 6. Jahrhunderts, zu Vegetius and zu Aineias’ Strategika’, Klio 15, 271-88.
Lehmann, G. A. (1980),
- ‘Krise und innere Bedrohung der hellenischen Polis bei Aeneas Tacticus’, in: W. Eck et al. (eds), Studien zur antiken Sozialgeschichte, Festschrift Friedrich Vittinghoff, Cologne: Böhlau, 71-86.
Lehmann, G.A. (1989),
- ‘Aeneas Tacticus und die politisch-soziale Krise der zeitgenössischen Polis-Welt : einige kritische Anmerkungen’, Index 17, 105-115.
Luraghi, N. (1988),
- ‘Polieno come fonte per la storia di Dionisio il Vecchio’, Prometheus 1988, 164-180.
Marinovic, L. P. (1962),
- ‘Greece in the fourth century BC. Social conflict and Mercenaries in Aeneas Tacticus’ (in Russian), Vestnik drevnej istorii 81, 49-77.
Mataranga, K. (1993),
- ‘Un étrange proxène chez Énée le Tacticien’, CCG 4, 223-227.
Mitsos, M.T. (1983),
- ‘Une inscription d’Argos’, BCH 107, 243-249.
Pattenden, P. (1987),
- ‘When did a guard duty end? The regulation of the night watch in ancient armies’, RhM 130, 164-174.
Pippidi, D. M. (1968),
- ‘Notes de lecture, XX : Pour un commentaire épigraphique des Poliorcétiques d’Énée le Tacticien’, StudClas 10, 240-243.
Pippidi, D. M. (1969),
- ‘Note de lectura’, StudClas 11, 233-249.
Richmond, J.A. (1998),
- ‘Spies in ancient Greece’, G&R 45, 1-18.
Schenk, G. (1994),
- ‘Stranieri in una città assediata : una ricerca sui Poliorketika di Enea Tattico’, AFLS 15, 1-13.
Schwartz, E. (1894),
- ‘Aineias (3)’, RE 1, 1019-21.
Tuplin, C. J. (1976),
- ‘Aeneas Tacticus. Poliorketika 18.8’, LCM 1, 127-131.
Urban, R. (1986),
- ‘Zur inneren und äusseren Gefährdung griechischer Städte bei Aeneas Tacticus’, in: H. Kalcyk et al. (eds), Studien zur alten Geschichte. Siegfried Lauffer zum 70. Geburtstag, Rome: Giorgio Bretschneider, 989-1002.
Vela Tejada, J. (1991b),
- Estudio sobre la lengua de la Poliorcética de Eneas el Táctico, Zaragoza : Departament de Ciencias de la Antigüedad de la Universidad.
Vela Tejada, J. (1992),
- ‘Eneas el Táctico como testímonío histórico’, in: J. Zaragoza, A. González Senmartí (eds), Homenatge a Josep Alsina : actes del X simposi de la Seccio catalana de la SEEC, Tarragona, 28 a 30 de novembre de 1990, Tarragona : Diputació de Tarragona, 353-358.
Vela Tejada, José (1993),
- ‘Tradición y originalidad en la obra de Eneas el Táctico : la génesis de la historiografía militar’, Minerva 7, 79-92.
Vela Tejada, J. (1994),
- ‘La Poliorcética de Eneas el Táctico : nuevas aportaciones para el estudio de la koiné’, in: Actas del VIII congreso español de estudios clásicos : (Madrid, 23-28 de septiembre de 1991) , 323-330.
Vela Tejada, J. (2003),
- ‘Empeireía y socratismo en los opuscula de Jenofonte’, in: J.M. Nieto Ibáñez (ed.), Lógos hellenikós. Homenaje al profesor Gaspar Morocho Gayo, León: Universidad de León, 455-464.
Vela Tejada, J. (2004),
- ‘Warfare, history and literature in the Archaic and Classical periods : the development of Greek military treatises’, Historia 53, 129-146.
Vieillefond, J. R. (1932),
- ‘Adaptations et paraphrases du Commentaire d’Enée le Tacticien’, RPh 6, 24-36.
Whitehead, D. (1990b),
- ‘The Lakonian key’, CQ 1990, 40, 267-268.
Whitehead, D. (2008),
- ‘Fact and Fantasy in Greek Military Writers’, Acta Ant. Hung. 48, 139-55.
Winterling, A. (1991),
- ‘Polisbegriff und Stasistheorie des Aeneas Tacticus : zur Frage der Grenzen der griechischen Polisgesellschaften im 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr.’, Historia 40, 193-229.